Annual Subs are due 1st October
Members Benefits :
1.FREE advertising and promotion of your herd on the SWHA Website and Social Media. We can set you up a Web Page of your own which can be continually updated. This allows potential purchasers to find you and your information easily. Our new website ranks quite highly in most search engines
2.Inclusion within the Hereford Cattle Society breed journal SWHA page advert..
3.Eligible to enter the annual herd competition. Small herd : Under 15 breeding cows, Medium Herd 15 to 35 breeding cows, Large Herd Over 35 breeding cows or equally divided as the judge sees fit. Awards are for Best Stock Bull, Best Brood Cow, Best Heifer Calf, and Best Bull Calf in each class. Trophies, certificates and prizes will be awarded at the A.G.M. later in the year. Including ones to keep! Entry £20
4.Free entry to Three Counties Show. SWHA members can make up teams of three to judge the HCS national stock judging competition. See website for details.
5. Eligible to qualify for the Barclay and Caldicutt Cups. Awarded to the breeder of the most points gained by an individual animal at shows in the south west area.
The above benefits are optional. Please contact Shelley Lockett with your information to: or by post to: East Down Farm, Menheniot, Liskeard, Cornwall. PL14 3QU.
Please make cheques payable to ‘South Western Hereford Association’
Or if you wish to pay by Standing Order : South Western Hereford Association,
Bank details are: Sort code: 30-91-20 Account Number: 00611783
SWHA Website:
Facebook page :
Many thanks to those that have already paid this year